گروه انتشاراتی ققنوس | I am not Alice but here is really Weird!
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I am not Alice but here is really Weird!

Book specifications
Writer فرید حسینیان تهرانی
Book Length 160
Book Size -
Nr of Edition 1
First Edition 1394
ISBN 9786005639575
Manufacturer Hila Publishing

This book is about fear; fear of uncertainty, fear of instability of values, fear of loss, fear of loneliness. The story does not follow a straight classical line, it is the tale of the human of the new era, scared human, scattered and excited human, anxious human. The story is full of half and unfinished tales, tales of repeated told stories which have no endings and themselves become the new tales of their own. Fear is also evident in the act of the tale itself in its sentences, structures, vocabulary even letters… all get destroyed. The sentence gets broken words become upside down letters are scattered exactly like the mind of the agitated new era’s human being. 

The narrator is suffering from the symptom of Micropsia, which is labels as Alice in wonderland. The affected person perceives every surrounding object as either too small or (rarely) too big of the real size of the object. The side effects of the disease is so widespread and embedded in to the mind of narrator that it reaches his way of thinking and dishevels and disorganizes his brain thoughts and ruptures his way of thinking. The narrator reviews his life through a tunnel vision of such a disturbed mission with no outcome.

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